To broaden the scope of our reserve study services and better serve our clients we are pleased to list strategic relationships with the following firms to whom we refer clients when related services are required:
- Homeowner Association Facility Improvement Studies – McMahon Community Consultants is one of the most experienced firms in utilizing capital reserve studies to help Homeowner Associations in developing facility improvement studies and programs for presenting to residents to build support for moving forward with needed improvements. The firm provides facility-oriented resident surveys, facility planning and presentations by its architects and engineers to develop and win approval for facility improvement programs. They work with local architects, engineers and contractors to get projects approved and built. McMahon’s major strength is getting residents to approve major facility projects.
- Club Facility Consulting Services – McMahon Group is one of the most experienced firms in utilizing capital reserve studies to help Private Clubs in developing facility improvement studies and programs for presenting to members to build support for moving forward with needed improvements. The firm provides facility-oriented member surveys, facility planning and presentations by its architects and engineers to develop and win approval for facility improvement programs. They work with local architects, engineers and contractors to get projects approved and built. McMahon’s major strength is getting members to approve major facility projects.
- Golf Course Turf and Equipment Evaluation – Michael G. Vogt CGCS, CGIA, an affiliate of McMahon Group, is a national recognized expert in golf course turf assessment and management. Mr. Vogt provides a more in-depth evaluation of these components as an option in a country club reserve study.
- Energy Assessment Services – Rich Energy Solutions provides free energy assessments to qualifying facilities throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions of the US. Where appropriate, replacement projects identified by Rich can be financed from the energy savings derived from completion of the work.
- Insurance Appraisals – We are able to assist clients in need of insurance appraisals by referral to Industrial Appraisal Company (IAC), a firm that has been providing professional valuation services to all classes of property including HOA’s condominiums, churches and clubs on a nationwide basis since 1931.
- Roof Inspections – TREMCO provides independent, third party inspection and evaluation of all kinds of roofing on a nationwide basis. When required these inspections may include core sampling and thermographic imaging.
Please call and talk to us when any of these additional services are required.